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work as an example for the courses (to be continued)

Peter Eurlings, houtskool tekening, portret (slapend), 42cmx30cm, 12 april 2000       Landscape drawing, charcoal and black crayon on paper, Veluwe Netherlands, 50x65cm., Peter Eurlings. As an example for the classes in landscape drawing and painting.                        
Litho, red, blue, kiss, Groter formaat, houtskool tekening, portret (slapend)
42cmx30cm, 2006
      Groter formaat, houtskool tekening, portret (slapend)Charcoal, black crayon, 50x65cm, Landscape, Veluwe Netherlands, 1992,.                        
Peter Eurlings, houtskool tekening, portret (slapend), 42cmx30cm, 12 april 2000       Peter Eurlings, potood tekening, karikatuur , 42cmx30cm, London, 2006                        
Charcoal drawing, portrait (sleeping),Groter formaat, houtskool tekening, portret (slapend)
42cmx30cm, April 12th 2000
      Pencil drawing, caricature,Groter formaat, potlood tekening, karikatuur
42cmx30cm, London, 2006
Peter Eurlings, houtsnede, Mahlzeit im Atelier, 2006       Peter Eurlings,Cast study in sight size technique, charcoal,42cmx30cm, 2008                        
Woodcut, Lunch in the Atelier, 42cmx30cm, 2006       Cast study in sight size technique, Groter formaat, cast study, charchoalcharcoal,42cmx30cm, 2008                        
Landscape, Bunderbos Netherlands, Charcoal and black crayon, 50x65cm., Peter Eurlings, 1992. As an example for lessons in landscape painting and drawing.       Selfportrait in blue and red, acrylics on cardboard, 120cm., 1996, Peter Eurlings. As an example for the classes and lessons given.                        
Groter formaat, cast study, charchoalBunderbos landscape, Netherlands, Charcoal and black crayon, 50x65cm., 1992       Groter formaat, cast study, charchoalSelfportrait in red and blue, acrylics on cardboard, 120cm, 1996.                        

Home & Schedule | Own work | Courses and work students | New drop-in life drawing/ figure painting | New work students | Peter Eurlings | Links, Contact & Newsletter | Sitemap | Nederlandse versie van/ Dutch version of - petereurlings.nl