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drawing, painting and printing courses / workshops / lessons

Please look at the front site of this website for the updated schedule.
If you want to have an impression of the work of the participants please look at the dutch version of this site.
Any Questions: Call: 0642971097 or by e-mail: info@petereurlings.nl

Greenhouses Amsterdam

Drawing and painting in the night

Guided tour in Rijksmuseum

Landscape drawing and painting around Amsterdam

New schedule, look at front page of this website.

Experimental/ traditional drawing and painting course

New schedule, look at front page of this website.

In own atelier, Weesperzijde 4

Portrait / Figure drawing and painting course

New schedule, look at front page of this website.

In own atelier, Weesperzijde 4

Summercourse Impressionists

July 6th till 10th 2009 (Monday - Friday)

Organization, Crea, University of Amsterdam

Portrait drawing workshops April 4th and 18th 2009 (done) Organization Gallery 'De Stoker', Amsterdam

Home & Schedule | Own work | Courses | Peter Eurlings | Links, Contact & Newsletter | Sitemap | Nederlandse versie van petereurlings.nl